Plester Koyo Cabe

A. Category

Porous Kapsulsicum Plaster

B. Properties

Koyo Cabe is a medicated plaster using cloth base which contains 0, 37 mg per 1 cm2 Extract Kapsulsici and is very effective for help the relief of symptoms of lumbago and muscular pain. The plaster is perforated to allow free passage of air and to improve adhesion to the skin. Very easy to use, stick on the affected area.

C. Direction  for Use

Wash the skin with soap and water and dry it well. Remove the covering material from the adhesive side of the plaster. Place the plaster on the aching spot and press it to the skin until it sticks. After use, remove the plaster by taking it at one comer and tear it off. If there is any plaster remaining. It can be removed easily by rubbing the spot with alcohol or spirit. The plaster should be worn for 2 or 3 days. In extreme cases, a second one may be applied

D. Specification and Packaging

Two sizes are available :

1.     Standard Size

Plaster size         : 55 x 45 mm
Packaging           : 1 box @ 20 sachets @ 10 sheets.

2.     Large Size

Plaster size         : 17 x 11,5 cm
Packaging           : 1 box @ 24 sachets @ 1 sheet.